Closing out the year is a good time to complete some important technology tasks off your To-Do List. Getting a jump-start on IT productivity is easy for both individuals and your network operations by checking on each of the following tech priorities:
1. Email Archival – Over the course of a year, your email inbox can begin to look like an overstuffed file cabinet. Recent versions of Outlook make email archival a simple task to clean up old items. In Outlook click: File > Info > Tools > Clean Up Old Items. The program provides options for selection of folders, subfolders, and archiving items older than a certain date.
2. Change Passwords – Changing passwords always seems to be an inconvenience. Set aside a few minutes to devise a memorable password scheme for the various types of accounts you use: financial transactions, work, social media platforms, and personal online communications. Passwords should have eight or more characters including a combination of small/capital letters, numbers and symbols.
3. Update Your App/Software Versions – In the busyness of using a variety of software and applications, it is easy to overlook checking to see if you are using the most up to date version. Keeping your apps current will help you work productively and avoid unnecessary bugs on your electronic devices.
4. Review Security Settings – Most every app and software program features its own settings and configurations for your online security and privacy. It is important to review these security settings periodically, not only for the respective app, but also to understand how they store, share or allow access to your individual online information.
5. Backup your Devices – As you wind down the year, it is a smart time to securely backup your data from all your electronic devices and network. Proper data backup involves ensuring your data completely copied, securely stored, and is in appropriate format to be readily accessible if necessary.
These five technology tips will help you to safely logout of 2017, while providing a smart start for your new year of working and communicating online.
Coaxis works all year ‘round to provide our clients with secure, compliant managed data hosting. Our certified tech team makes certain you are confidently provisioned with smart IT service, minimizing your risks and maximizing your online work environment. For more information, contact us at 850-391-1022.
TAGS: managed hosting, data backup, cybersecurity, it tips, compliance, cloud computing, coaxis,