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Coaxis Hosting is an Approved Member Benefit Provider for the Florida Bar

Coaxis is an approved member benefit provider for The Florida Bar and will support members in migrating to a fully hosted/cloud based managed network solution and provides special pricing to members of The Florida Bar for secure and compliant information technology services.

Coaxis provides clients with a fully hosted and managed network solution designed to remove the complexities of Federal and Industry Compliances, curb the demands of Information Technology Infrastructure, and reduce the threat of Cybercrime.  

Coaxis is experienced in hosting a board range of software applications and financial reporting software applications utilized by the legal community.  A Florida corporation since 2002, Coaxis operates a privately owned, single-tenant, ANSI/TIA-942 Site - Rated 3 Data Center in Tallahassee, Florida.

The Coaxis solution provides secure, fully managed data hosting services, smartly packaged, and includes the following:

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