Coaxis offers fully hosted solutions for a variety of medical offices allowing health care professionals the freedom to focus on their patients and business without worrying about dealing with IT headaches and software viruses.
For most medical practices, Cloud Computing represents a juncture of significance. For years, medical professionals have been cautious regarding the adoption of cloud based IT services and software hosting. Coaxis resolves the concern as our data center and professional staff are trained to operate and maintain an IT environment fully compliant with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.
In serving a variety of health care providers, Coaxis' team has related IT experience in provisioning the following:
Coaxis offers fully-managed hosting, IaaS or hybrid cloud configurations for health care practices. We recognize the extreme degree of specialty across the health care sector and we work to customize professional IT servers accordingly. We optimize the network operations and IT production in your office while ensuring the availability and security of your records.